Rethinking Tourism: The Aftermath of Pandemic

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Rethinking Tourism: The Aftermath of Pandemic

The pandemic has forced the world to transform from traditional to digitalization. Different industries were hit hard and were forced to take a break and rethink something new and that includes tourism. Today, we are celebrating “World Tourism Day” and the theme for this year is Rethinking Tourism. What does it mean for all of us?

Many countries started using digital technologies on their daily operations when the lockdowns started during the uprise of COVID-19. It has changed the way we do school, business, and even the way we socialize. However, the tourism industry is having a hard time coping with the transition.

The tourism industry is slowly recovering from the effects of the pandemic. Some countries are now starting to open their borders again after 2 years of closing them down. That’s why the United Nation’s World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) chose this year’s theme for the world to rethink how they do tourism.

Rethinking can also be understood as Transforming. Therefore, the world should start thinking about how we can transform our tourism industry that can cope with the aftermath of the pandemic. One way to transform the industry is to digitalize it and this is what we call Digital Tourism.

Since 2020, Visitour PH already realized the need for digitalization of our tourism industry in the Philippines. Therefore, our team made every effort to make the dream into reality. We now have a functioning app that allows people to reach their destinations with just a few taps on our app.

During the uprising of COVID-19, our team, Visitour PH, already made the Rethinking of Tourism for the Philippines. Now, we want to tell the businesses in the tourism industry in our country that were affected by the pandemic that they were not alone. We are here to help them cope up.

Together, we will let the world know that the tourism in the Philippines is now back and we came back stronger. Let’s tell them to VISIT OUR PHILIPPINES because we have the BEST TOURIST DESTINATIONS in the world.

Do you have a tourism business? We can help you. Just visit our website and we will help you every step of the way.

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