Dolores: The Agriculture Town of Abra

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Dolores: The Agriculture Town of Abra MOA signing

Abra has a diverse landscape with mountains, rivers, and valleys. It is also home to several historical and cultural sites. Agriculture is the main industry in the province, with rice, corn, and vegetables as the main crops. With that being said, let’s talk about the agriculture town of Abra which is the municipality of Dolores.

The town of Dolores is situated in the northern part of the province, and it is known for its natural beauty, including its mountains, rivers, and waterfalls. Dolores is also known for its rich cultural heritage, and it has several historical and cultural sites.

Libtec Crystal Cave, Dolores, Abra

One of the famous tourist spots in Dolores is the Quiling Crystal Cave. According to the locals, the cave was already popular among hunters and trappers from a nearby community. The cave hosts numerous bats locally known as kurarapnit. Unfortunately, their population dwindled due to overhunting.

Inside the cave, you’ll find marvelous stalagmites, stalactites, straws, drapery, and flowstones. These formations portray the shape of a horse, a bird, a banana blossom, and many more. Unlike in other caves, spelunking here is relatively easy. You don’t need to wade on water, rappel, or crawl into narrow openings.

Another popular site in the agriculture town of Abra is the Bantay Immitlog. This tourist spot is famous for locals and tourists during the Holy Week. The egg-shaped hill has three large cross on top of it which signifies the dream and hope of the people who built the cross. Bantay Immitlog is in Barangay Lublubba.

Dolores is not just the agriculture town of Abra but it is the future of the province because they still have so many things to show when it comes to tourism. Furthermore, their municipality took a bold step by giving a shot to Digital Tourism. The LGU Dolores partnered with Visitour PH to digitize their way of doing tourism in their town.

They believed that the future of tourism in the Philippines is in digital technologies. We, at Visitour PH, will work together with Dolores in promoting not just the beauty of their town but also the beauty of our country. Do you want to partner with us? Let’s talk and make travelling easier for Filipinos.

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